Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Resolution: More Svpply

First of all, Happy 2011!

It's a new year and there's no better way to ring it in with some new found inspiration, oh, and some new purchases, mind you. Svpply just so happens to be my favorite new discovery this year. Although one of my new years "resolutions" involves "saving money" it's hard to stick with it when a site like Svpply comes along. It's basically an online shopping blog that allows you to add items to your own personal Svpply list as well as add and follow what friends, and other users whose style you dig, are swooning for at the moment. I've already discovered so many new shopping sites and, needless to say, my "resolution" is taking a lot of motivation to follow through with...but, then again, does anyone ever really?

Check out some of my recent finds, which I will title "color explosion" for good reason. It's one way to beat the winter blahs.